Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's Math Riddle time Boys and Girls!!!

So what's in your coffee?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's Riddle-icious!

Here is a classic riddle! I remember solving this when I was in grade school!

Got it yet?? I knew you would!

Just for being such a smarty pants, I've decided to add a second bonus riddle today...

(This comes from a friend by the name of Natalie Morrison)

Stay warm my friends! Stay warm!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Randall Rosenthal: Master Carver, Mind-Blowing Painter

Today's artist on spotlight is a man named Randall Rosenthal. He is a master woodcarver and extremely talented painter. All of Randall's works of art start off as one block of wood and are painstakingly carved and hand painted into these mind blowing illusions. What caught my eye was this particular work of art appropriately titled "Old Money".  This series of photos will show the transition from block of wood to work of art. Enjoy!

It's hard to  imagine that this finished product was once just a solid block of wood!

Here are a few other works of art done by Randall Rosenthal.

If you want to see some more works of art or find out more about Mr. Rosenthal, please use the following links;

Cheers and have a great Monday!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Riddle time baby!!!!

TGIF!!! Here's a real head-scratcher!!! 

I'll give you one clue, don't over think it. Once you start adding your own thoughts, 
you start veering away from the answer ;)

Have a sexy weekend!

Thursday, January 16, 2014