Friday, January 3, 2014

Arts and Artists: Then and Now Photos Part 1, Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse

So this must be a new trend going on with photographers/ photo editors. It's called Then and Now Photographs. It's when you combine old photos and new photos from the exact same locations. It's a little spooky and a lot very cool.

Here are a few of my favorites...

Auschwitz, Poland

Cherbourg, France

Poor deceased Soldier

In front of Hospital

Cherbourg, France

Saint-Marcouf, France

The Hague, The Netherlands

Utrecht, The Netherlands

Acireale, Sicily

Check out more of  Jo Hedwig Teuwisse’s “Ghosts of History” project by clicking here (This will lead you to the official Flickr webpage). You can also find her on Facebook by clicking this link. 

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed these works of art as much as I did. 

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