Monday, January 13, 2014

Funny but True: Monday's suck because we're adults and responsible!

Funny but True: Monday's suck because we're adults and responsible! And what I mean by responsible is that we have to work now  for 5 days in a row to pay our bills (and for most of us, our debts!)

(How we all feel every Sunday!) 

The truth is, growing up into an adult isn't always what's cracked up to be. 

Remember when over the weekend you could get away with this ?

Or this?? Most of us would be recovering for 2 months if either of those scenarios happened today! 

Another shitty reality of growing up is so do the ladies...

Case and...


And don't forget about our current celebrities. Oh they'll grow up too!

Except for Miley Cyrus! She's going to stay a funny looking monkey forever! 

But everyone has to grow up at some point. So I'm going to leave you with a list of 32 Truths that every Mature being should live by! 

Happy Monday to all my mature readers! 

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